If you wish to collab email your CV/ Portfolio to
- Name*
- Postal address*
- Phone number*
- College Name*
- email address*
- Year of passout*
- How long would be able to work with us? - 1-3 months, 3-6 months, less than 1 year
- Currently associated with any other brand - yes or no*
- Product Showcase: Set up a booth or a small stall at the college fest where students can try the products.*
- Feedback Collection: Record feedbacks from students on their initial impressions, product usability.*
- Mini Giveaways: Run small giveaways or contests to increase engagement and visibility during the event.* OR
- Discount Codes: Provide students with exclusive discount codes they can share with their friends or use for personal purchases.*
- Promote Upcoming Launches: Mention new product launches around campus.
- Capture Visuals: Ensure they capture good-quality photos and reels randomly. *DURING THE EVENTS